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Zillow Scam Put NAR and MLS on Alert !!
This case represents an unusually intricate listing scam, that escaped detection on a reputable listing site, and hijacked the identity of a real estate agent. And the scam is spreading to other sites
After Inman News brought the case to the attention of the NAR, the group’s general counsel, Laurie Janik, called it the most sophisticated listing scam that she’d heard of.
In addition to harming consumers, such scams may put real estate agents in profession reputation and physical safety at risk.
The follow is a condensed article from staff Teke Wiggin of Inman news.
Sophisticated Zillow scam puts NAR and MLS on alert
"Ron Bailey can just picture it: He’s showing a rental listing to some prospects when suddenly, a person he’s never met thunders, “Are you Ron Bailey?”
“Well, of course I’m Ron Bailey,” the Pocono Lake, Pa.- based broker would answer.
Then Bailey says, “Things would start to get ugly.”
That’s because, in this scenario, the menacing stranger would have sent a considerable sum of money to someone he thought was Ron Bailey. And while the stranger would have been expecting to receive keys to the property in return, he would not have heard from Bailey again — that is, until confronting Bailey while showing that property to other prospective renters."
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